Tag Archives: Crafts

Power Picks – Indoor Plants


It’s The FINAL COUNTDOWN! Duh duh duh da da da……….

Yesterday Seth and I unleashed our top plant picks for the yard and for containers. By no means are those the only options. They might not even be the best options for your plantings. They are just plants that Seth and I believe in and like.

Today is the final round of our co-founder matchup.  Now that we’ve discussed the yard and containers, there’s only one major arena left: Indoor Plants.

Some of you will call them house plants or potted plants, but that doesn’t really sum it up. The plants we’re talking about today don’t discriminate. They don’t care if you live in a house, an apartment, or even that van down by the river! We’re talking about those plants that are staples in your scenery. Think of them more like plant pets.

So who has the better plant picks Seth or myself? You decide in this final (for now) roundup!

-Mason, Co-Founder of GrowIt! (mday55 on the app!)

The picks are in! Which Indoor Plants are your favorites?

Seth’s Top 3:

  1. Used Orchids – The plant business guy in me encourages people to throw plants like orchids, poinsettias, and other potted plants away after they are done blooming. The plant nerd in me likes buying orchids that are discounted, just to see if I can bring them back to life, and get them to bloom.  Surprisingly, they are rather easy to care for; give them a bright indirect light (so don’t put them in the window, just a bright room), water them thoroughly once a week (I put them in my shower for a few minutes), and a lot of patience.  Summer is a good time for these types of projects because the light levels are really high.Orchid_GrowIt
  2. Umbrella Plant – Ok, so this plant may be considered to be rather boring, BUT, this plant is  SO easy to take care of, I doubt anyone can kill it (I don’t mean for that to be a challenge). Another great thing about this plant, is you can easily keep it at any size that you want, just by snapping off its new growth. The plant in the photo has been that same size for the last 4 years. It’s easy! And I really do believe the green color adds an element to the living room that lacks when it isn’t there. The plant can also be found it brighter colors.Umbrella Plant_GrowIt
  3. Echeveria – this is an easy to grow succulent that has been popping up on the app more and more. It has a nice blue hue to the foliage. The blooms’ bright orange color contrast the foliage in and exciting way that you just don’t get from a green plant. The plant nerd in me really likes the architecture of the plant and how it is completely different than most other plants.  It doesn’t require much water, so you will see it in many interesting containers.Echeveria_GrowIt

Mason’s Undeniable Top 3:

  1. Cyclamen – I really like Cyclamen because they are versatile. For most of us that live in the frozen north, cyclamen are considered a houseplant that we can bring outside for some well-deserved sunshine. However, in some parts of the country, cyclamen can be considered perennials that bloom year after year. The growth habit on these is awesome because it’s so controlled and the flower has to be one of the most beautiful on the planet.Cyclamen_GrowIt!
  2. Succulents and Cacti of ANY kind – Want to start gardening, but don’t know what to grow? Go to your nearest garden center and ask them to show you their succulent display. Even though you won’t find lots of blooms, you are going to see more shapes and textures than you thought possible from plants. You’ll see plants that look like rocks (lithops), plants that look like dishes (paddle plant), even plants that look like Shrek’s ears! These are the ultimate gateway plants.Succulent Pic2 GrowIt!
  3. Cylindrical Snake Plant – Snake Plants are common fixtures in office buildings around the world. However, the Cylindrical Snake Plant is a rarer beast. This thing looks like something straight out of Jumanji. Sometimes growers even “train” their plants with string and wire to get them to intertwine. Again, all about texture here and a very easy plant to care for.Sans_GrowIt


To see more photos of these plants, search for them in the Search feed under the “plants” tab in the App.

Which founder has the best taste in plants? Let us know in a comment, or post a picture on the app of your own favorites!

Power Picks – Yard/Landscape Edition

Lantana_GrowItAt GrowIt! we see a lot of plants. I mean A LOT of plants. Seth and I literally travel the country to see plants. If we’re not checking out plant photos on the app, we’re out in the garden taking photos of our own.

Over the last year, one thing has become clear. Everyone has their own opinions on plants. Some of that depends on where you live. Plants that perform in Florida, just might not cut it in the tundra that is the upper Midwest. However, some of the opinions out there are just based on who you are.

To highlight examples of differing opinions, Seth and I thought we would give you our top 3 plant picks for landscape, container, and indoor use. I’ll let you be the judge at who has the better taste in plants….. but clearly it’s me.

-Mason, Cofounder of GrowIt!

The Picks for Yard/Landscape Use are in!

Seth’s Top 3:

  1. Whopper (large) or Dragon Wing (medium) Begonia – These plants are dynamite! They thrive in shade and in sun. They have bright red or pink flowers that cover most of the plant. This plant pretty much looks awesome every time I see it.Dragonwing_GrowIt!
  2. Angelonia/Summer Snapdragon – If you are in the northwest, I apologize for picking this plant as it may not do too well for you. This plant loves heat and loves sun, and if it has enough of both can look really good in the landscape.  They have a bunch of great colors and it can get you outside the normal petunias if you are looking for something different.Angelonia_GrowIt
  3. Butterfly Bush – If you are a sucker for butterflies, then you have to try this plant out! It comes in an array of colors and many different sizes from a small 3′ bush to a large 8′ bush. It’s flowers are very fragrant, and butterflies love landing on the cone like flowers. It is a perennial for much of the country. It really has been one of my favorites for quite a few years.Butterfly Bush_GrowIt

Mason’s Even Better Top 3:

  1. Lantana – The Michael Jordan of plants. Lantana is a garden champ. Here in the northern states it adds great color all summer and provides good coverage. Down South, Lantana is even better. It can actually grow into a small hedge! Some blooms even give you three colors at once. What more could you ask for?Lantana2_GrowIt
  2. Dusty Miller – No garden is complete without “The Dusty”. Dusty Miller is the single greatest accent plant on the market. Possibly the most underappreciated plant out there, Dusty Miller can grow almost anywhere, and can take a beating. From far it just looks like a white plant, but up close you see that there is a texture there like none other.Dusty Miller_GrowIt
  3. Salvia ‘Black and Blue’ – I will challenge you to find a truer blue in the plant kingdom. There are tons of purples and even some navy blues out there, but none is as blue as ‘Black and Blue’. This plant is a killer. It does well in the occasional dry spell and provides color all summer long. It’s also great in the fact that it gets pretty big and can provide some height in combination with all of those groundcovers.Black And Blue_GrowIt!

For more pictures of these plants, search for them in the app in the Search feed under the “Plants” Tab.

We’d love to hear about your favorite plants! Leave us a comment or upload them to GrowIt!

It Doesn’t Get Any Better Than That!

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Over the past weekend we were invited to be a part of Chalet Nursery’s Garden Faire event in Wilmette, Illinois. The first weekend in May is the grand opening of spring in the Midwest. When we showed up to the garden center, it was about a quarter to eight in the morning and there was already a line of people waiting to get inside! It’s clear that people had enough of Old Man Winter and wanted to get some plants in the ground.


We couldn’t have asked for a better weekend. It was 70 degrees and sunny for the most part. Also, we were able to camp out next to the popcorn guy so that wasn’t bad either!

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Plants looked great as well, and the selection was fantastic. Even though some of the more prominent summer annuals weren’t available yet, the wallflowers looked fantastic and so did the lobelia baskets.

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We held a raffle as well! Four lucky people are set to win $25 gift certificates to Chalet Nursery and four luckier people are set to win GrowIt! t-shirts. We also had an AMAZING run-in with one of our GrowIt! fans this weekend as well!


Google Maps, Facebook, Twitter, Pandora, Youtube.

Those are all examples of mobile apps that are the first thing downloaded when someone gets a new phone. This past weekend, we learned that you can now add GrowIt! to that list!

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Last summer while we were doing events in the Chicagoland area we had the chance to talk to a lot of people about what we are doing with GrowIt! Because we are currently only a mobile platform some people couldn’t use GrowIt! from the beginning because they didn’t have a smartphone. Turns out that we left an impression on those folks too!

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We actually had one fan stop by – in a GrowIt! t-shirt no less – and tell us that last summer she was unable to use the app because she did not have a smartphone. However, she said that back in December she finally upgraded to an iPhone. Can you guess what the first app she downloaded was? Yep! It was GrowIt! We honestly, thought she was kidding at first but she assured us that she downloaded it right at the Apple Store! How cool is that?

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She now uses the GrowIt! app as username “booter13”, and really enjoys helping people identify plants that they have questions about. She said that it’s a lot of fun and that she enjoys spreading her passion for gardening.

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At the end of the day that’s what GrowIt! is all about: Spreading a passion for plants. We’re just glad we can make people smile while doing it. It truly was a great weekend capped by an AWESOME interaction with one of our users.

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Love Is In The Air… Plant!

At GrowIt! we’re always looking for creative, outside of the box ideas!

Our friends at Plant Jungle have provided us with another fantastic how-to guest blog!

Roses are a traditional Valentine’s day gift, but if your S.O. is not traditional, you may want to get them something that is not as standard as roses. How about a Tillandsia driftwood centerpiece? Or a Tillandsia coral centerpiece? It is the perfect gift for the minimalist plant lover.

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Items for customized centerpiece:

*   Waterproof glue
*   Tillandsia
*   Driftwood or dry coral skeleton
*   Lichen
*   Moss
IMG_2182Tillandsia, aka air plant, is quite versatile as it can grow almost anywhere as long as it is in a well-ventilated area. If you want to add moss as an accent, we recommend gluing at a lower area away from the Tillandsia because the moss tends to hold too much moisture which is incompatible with Tillandsia. I solved that conundrum by placing the Tillandsia at the crown or highest point of the driftwood while placing the moss at the bottom. This placement ensures that the excess water will spill from the Tillandsia onto the moss. Therefore, the Tillandsia doesn’t get root rot and the moss gets enough water.

IMG_2188Some things to consider:

*   Soak ocean driftwood prior to gluing the Tillandsia otherwise the salinity may kill the plant
*   Avoid pressure treated driftwood as it may contain copper which is damaging to Tillandsia
*   Reverse osmosis water is best for your plants as it has impurities removed while maintaining trace elements
*   Coral is more compatible with Tillandsia as it is more porous than driftwood. This porosity allows adequate ventilation.
*   When gluing your Tillandsia to driftwood, glue to porous crevices around the crown to allow for water drainage.
*   If your Tillandsia has bloomed, avoid spraying the flower. Just spray the base of the plant.

IMG_2118 Caring for your plants:

*   Soak the Tillandsia for 15-20 minutes upon receiving your plant.
*   After the Tillandisa is fully dry, glue and thereafter mist the Tillandsia/moss once or twice a week. In drier climates, you may need to mist the Tillandsia more. Avoid overwatering!
*   If Tillandsia becomes dry, soak for 10-15 minutes
*   Water in the morning as Tillandsia absorbs carbon dioxide at night
*   Lighting: Both the Tillandsia and moss prefer indirect sunlight
*   8-10 drops of water every 2-3 days for lichens
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Beside soaking driftwood, this project will take only minutes to complete and will last much longer than flowers!

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About Plant Jungle:

Since 1998, Plant Jungle has been providing quality indoor plants and plant design for home owners as well as businesses. Go to www.plantjungle.com to purchase plant tools, plant supplies, live tropical plants, containers, and more.

Is your business in need of decor? Per your business’s aesthetic, we design indoor plant containers as well as provide maintenance for the well-being of your plant. Need some privacy at your office? These cubicle plant containers will provide camouflage from your nosey neighbor:  http://www.plantjungle.com/index.php/planters/cubicle-planters.html

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More Than Poinsettias!

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Trying to do the whole Christmas plant thing this year? Well here’s the scoop.


Believe it or not you actually have options! For years the go-to has always been Poinsettias. Classic Red, Pink, and White used to be the only varieties that you could find, but these days you can get them in just about any color as well. Just know that if you’re seeing Blue, Purple, or a Silver Sparkle, that your Poinsettia is putting on a façade. Psst! It’s Painted!  If that’s your thing we won’t judge. Just don’t let those plant purists find out.

Painted Poinsettia GrowIt

However, we’re here to tell you that you don’t have to succumb to the pressures of Christmas past! If you want to change things up a bit this year we have a couple different plants to try out.

This first plant on our GrowIt! “Nice List” is the Christmas Cactus!

Christmas Cactus GrowIt!2

The Christmas Cactus isn’t actually something new at all. It’s a plant that used to be pretty popular but like the Poinsettia (and that “Shake it Off” song by T. Swift) it was overplayed! Now the waiting period has passed. People are starting to question why they disappeared in the first place.

GrowIt! Christmas Cactus

It’s a showy plant that comes in a couple different colors. The most common of which are a red, and a purplish pink. The leaves have a pretty rockin’ texture too. They’re almost reminiscent of pieces on a suit of knight’s armor! Also, even though their name might suggest that they have a thorny or spiky element, they won’t stab your fingers or pets! Plus after the holidays a Christmas Cactus can be kept. It turns into a pretty cool houseplant, and you can look up methods on how to get it to re-bloom!

Christmas Cactus GrowIt!

The other Poinsettia alternative that we have to offer up is the Amaryllis.

Amaryllis GROWIT

If you could ever use the word “sexy” to describe a plant, you would use it to describe the Amaryllis. Sleek and beautiful, it stands out as a decadent piece for this time of the year. If you’re looking to impress guests this Christmas, seek out a couple of these bad boys. Maybe even think about sending one to that special someone.


You can find them in a few different colors. Pink and white are nice, but RED is the way to go. It’s a classic look that hasn’t been overdone. Pricing usually depends on the variety of the Amaryllis. You can usually find these at shops when they’re just about to bloom. However, if you’re feeling adventurous try starting it from a bulb ahead of time!

GrowIt! Santa

Whether you’re sticking with the “old standard” or trying something new, we hope you have a fantastic Christmas season!

Merry Christmas!
Mason Day, Cofounder of GrowIt!

Guest Blog: DIY Gourd Lamp by Plant Jungle

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Halloween has passed and Thanksgiving is quickly approaching. You have plenty of fantastic gourds left over but what do you do? Today we have a guest blogger with the perfect answer to this question. Megan Evans on behalf of Plant Jungle in Utah, details how to turn plain old gourds into stunning works of art.

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DIY: How to Make a  Gourd Lamp 

By Megan Evans 

Special thanks to Mark Burton & Graham Hickey

Brought to you by Plant Jungle

Looking for a fun DIY project or a thoughtful holiday gift for a loved one? A homemade gourd lamp is a perfect solution for both. Young bottle gourds can be harvested for culinary purposes. Alternatively if a gourd is allowed to mature it will desiccate to form a hard woody shell. This “petrified” gourd can be hollowed, cleaned and used for a number of applications.  In fact dried bottle gourds have been used for centuries to make items like lamps, utensils, bottles, and even musical instruments such as the sitar.  As bottle gourds come in many shapes and sizes, your imagination is essentially the only limitation to what you can make with these.

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Building lamps from bottle gourds is our personal favorite use of bottle gourds. The gourds themselves are very esthetically pleasing as lamps. Additionally placement of a light source within the gourd provides a fantastic glow that casts light through the designs etched into the exterior of the gourd. This provides a really nice effect that will brighten up any room in your house. Construction of a lamp from a bottle gourd essentially consists of 3 major steps: hollowing a dried gourd, carving/drilling a design on the exterior of the gourd, and then fitting the gourd with an appropriate light.

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Below are some basic instructions for constructing your own gourd lamp. After mastering the basic approach to using a gourd to construct a lamp we encourage you to be creative and think of new designs and other cool uses for dried gourds. Due to the material of the gourd, we do not recommend that you leave the lamp on unattended or on for long periods of time.

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Materials that you will need:

  • Dried gourd
  • Drill and drill bits- The largest holes were drilled with 1 inch bits with the consecutive holes being 5/16thof an inch to 1/8th of an inch. The largest holes can be finished with a dremel
  • Sandpaper (80 and 100 grit)
  • Stencils
  • Compass
  • A pencil
  • 10 watt incandescent light bulb
  • Tapped thread size 1/8thlamp couplings
  • One 2” candelabra socket
  • 1/8thCandelabra base
  • 1/8thlamp nuts & washers
  • 1/8thtapped solid hex nut

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  1. Sand the gourd with 80 grit sandpaper. After thoroughly sanding the rough areas, finish with 100 grit sandpaper.
  2. Measure the midsection of the largest part of the gourd and then use a geometric compass to make a concentric circle from the largest section. The concentric circles will provide a systematic placement for the pattern.
  3. Use a pencil to stencil the pattern on the gourd prior to drilling.
  4. Drill the largest holes around the midsection with a 1inch or smaller bit. Afterward, drill smaller holes along your traced pattern.
  5. Drill the top of the gourd to fit a 1/8 Candelabra base
  6. To assemble the light fixture insert the candelabra base through the hole on the top of the gourd. Fasten the candelabra in place with a steel washer and hex nut. Do not over tighten the hex nut as this may crack the gourd.

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Since 1998, Plant Jungle has been in the indoor plant business selling live and artificial plants as well as plant maintenance tools, pottery, custom gifts, and plant arrangements. Give a unique gift! We can create custom corporate/client, housewarming, and condolence gifts. Additionally, we offer seasonal products such as gourds, pumpkins, and Christmas trees. Plant Jungle also specializes in patioscaping and indoor plant designs including container gardening, office plants, and plant arrangement for special occasions. Plant Jungle can customize interior plant arrangements to your specifications such as custom designed Christmas ornamental plant displays or custom designed garden containers for your business. For more information regarding our custom gifts or perusing our indoor plants go to www.plantjungle.com or contact plantjungle@twistlab.com

As always be sure to check for the latest version of GrowIt! on the Apple App Store, and stay up to date on the latest GrowIt! news at www.facebook.com/growitapp and www.twitter.com/growitmobile!